Yoga teacher training reviews & testimonials
Dave & Stacy Dockins - YP Facilitators & Owners. Together we have been training teachers since 2005.
Over the years we've evolved and changed teaching styles, school names, and training locations. One thing that has never changed is our love for learning and growth. We've heard it said many times that "the best way to master or learn something is by teaching it." Here we are, doing what we love, learning, teaching people, and sharing all the tools needed to express one's personal passions. There is no better way to express your passion than to simply be yourself. We love helping people identify their strengths, build upon them and express them in their own personal way. We also love hearing from our students who have attended our Yoga Teacher Trainings and Retreats and how their lives have changed. Below is a list of some of our recent Yoga Teacher Graduates since 2020.
- Dave & Stacy
200Hr Testimonial
“I am overjoyed with my experience in the 200Hr program taught by Stacy and Dave. Going into this training, I did not know what to expect of the outcome, but here I am with new skills to support me in life. Thank you both for a great opportunity and for forming such a great curriculum and providing resources to help better understand not only yoga but myself as well. I loved getting to show up to the in person weekends knowing that the space would be comfortable and that I would be in great hands. I loved getting to meet my peers and cultivating friendships along the way. Please, do not hesitate to take this class. You won’t regret it!”
Madeline Martin / TX - 200Hr Grad 2024
200Hr Testimonial
“It’s hard to explain all the feelings I have about this experience. I started practicing at Yoga Project less than a year ago and immediately was hooked. Honestly, going to yoga regularly kind of made me feel like a new person. I signed up for teacher training because I was hungry to learn more about why I felt so much better. I thought we would mostly be memorizing muscle groups, anatomy terms, postural alignment, and yoga poses (which we did!); but I didn’t realize how powerful the space to write, think, and reflect would be. Because of this course, I feel like I had the ability to unwrap myself a little and stop clenching onto some weird ideas of who I need to be. I’m thankful for the chance to exercise my mind in a way that I’ve missed for years. I’m thankful for remembering how much I like to write.
I’d recommend this course to absolutely anyone. I really believe it’s relevant to everyone who is interested in becoming a more thoughtful person, who is curious about yoga, or who just misses some good old fashioned homework. Thank you Stacy and Dave for sharing your time, knowledge, resources and encouragement with so many people. It was amazing to see my cohort move from terrified and timid to confident instructors in the span of a few in-person meetings. I don’t think that would be possible without the safe and caring environment you’ve created in this course.”
Ruth Church-Owens 200Hr Grad 2024
200Hr Testimonial
“This has been a life-changing and amazing experience. I quit my comfortable desk job to attend this training. I chose to follow my passion of movement and teaching and in a moment of pain and bravery, I left what most “sane” people would have described as a perfect job at a perfect company. It has all been worth it. The homework. The lack of income. The learning. The exhausting weekends. Everything I needed and more. I am so grateful to have found Stacy and Dave’s program and I am even more honored to have gone on the journey of certification and completion. I have learned so many fantastic things about the body, yoga, fellow students, and myself. I cannot wait to start following my dream of being a Yoga teacher and I feel my soul ignited with passion as I write this post and the reality has begun setting in!
Thank you Stacy for all of your knowledge and your grace and willingness to share it with us. Dave, thank you for sharing your experience, expertise and passion. And for being the one who helped me get registered for the program in the first place! My fellow classmates - thank you all for being here with me on this journey and allowing me a place to be vulnerable and authentic. I appreciate all of y’alls vulnerability and desire to connect. I know all of you will do great things and I hope to see y’all at the studio!”
Paige Lepp / TX - 200HR Grad 2024
200HR Testimonial
My experience taking the 200 YTT from Yoga Project, has been nothing short of exceptional. Completing this teaching training has given me so much more than a certification. Through the program, I was able to deepen my appreciation for the human body; listen and understand the cues my body gives in poses, learn more about the anatomy of our muscular and skeletal structure, and gain insight about the importance of an embodied practice for students.
Stacy and Dave have created a program that truly has been more supportive, encouraging, and empowering than any other educational courses I have taken.
Mentally and emotionally, I feel I have walked away with more knowledge, intentionality, and connection to myself and yoga than I can articulate. As a yoga teacher and lifelong learner, I cannot recommend this training enough!”
Madison Moline / TX / Mental Health Therapist / 200HR Grad 2024
200Hr Testimonial
I was hesitant to move forward with a 200hr-YTT for a very long time, largely because I was wary about who I wanted to do this training with. I felt a lot of programs seemed quite dogmatic about teaching *their* way and didn't really encourage any deviation from that. I was excited to have the opportunity to train with Stacy and Dave because I had been lucky enough to attend their fabulous studio classes many years prior and knew they were focused on making yoga work for anyone's unique anatomy. The hybrid option worked out great for me and was a perfect mix of live online sessions, self-paced individual study, and an unforgettable in-person experience in Bali. Throughout the course, we were exposed to numerous concepts that really expanded my broader understanding of yoga and absolutely sparked my interest to learn even more. Since starting this course, I have heard so many others who did their 200hr elsewhere complain that it didn't really help them learn how to TEACH or didn't give them adequate knowledge to feel comfortable offering adjustments or modifications. I can guarantee anyone who trains with Stacy and Dave will NEVER say those things! Although it was not actually my goal to teach studio classes when I started, I finished this course so confident in my ability to lead an awesome inclusive class that now I'm actively seeking out opportunities to do so.
Blair Cushing, DO / CA - 200Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
The 200-hour YTT was arguably one of the best learning experiences that I have had in all my years. My takeaway is that with over 25 years of teaching yoga, it is ever present in the education I received this summer with Stacy and Dave of The Yoga Project School of Training. What I learned is invaluable to my yoga practice and the TT that I will eventually share with others. I feel confident I am prepared to teach yoga using the Embodied Posture Method (EPM). Now, I am knowledgeable about the collection of anatomical actions or yoga poses/postures. I am well-trained in modifiable sequences. I am mindfully aware that paying attention to all that is happening in the present moment invites us to experience the full richness of the moments of our lives.
The hybrid YTT was layered with in-person yoga practice alongside the other teachers in training, plus the attendance of the community yoga students. The Studio is warmed with ambient heating of 90 degrees, perfect soft lighting, floor-to-ceiling windows expanding the width of the studio frontal, an array of beautiful hanging succulents, and pleasing aromas of various essential oils or incense. It is perfect for practice and teaching there. If at all possible, I strongly recommend hybrid YTT. The environment is warm, friendly, and conducive to learning.
The online curriculum was self-paced. It was detail-oriented, it required lots of interaction with the community of teacher’s training through blogs, written assignments, videos, and reading assignments. Here is where I realized that although I’ve been out of school for some time, it is important to never stop involving my mind in studying, learning, and challenging myself to think locally and globally. Once I got the rust off, I was able to elevate my thinking and writing to a sharp crisp flow.
All said I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the learning process. I am humbled by the overall experience including the many amazing people I encountered during the training. Finally, I am grateful to Stacey and Dave for making this opportunity available.
Collectively, in my nine years of practicing yoga, I’ve experienced a variety of different teachers and styles of practice. But the EPM is as Stacy would say, “ Return home within yourself.” How sweet it is!
Pamela Walton-Hill / TX - 200Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
I am filled with extreme gratitude to have access and the ability to learn from such knowledgeable, compassionate, and educated practitioners. My cohort of beautiful friends in this process have given me the support and community I needed. This experience has taught me more than I thought possible about yoga but more importantly myself in relation to yoga. Thank you so so much! All the love!
Ashlyn Locke / TX - 200Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
The hybrid Yoga Teacher Training journey this summer with Dave & Stacy was way more than I imagined! From Day 1, we explored and taught each other yoga poses and how to move functionally and with curiosity. So many layers were present as we dove into trauma-informed cues, the ethics and history of yoga, and so many options to offer individuals no matter their experience with yoga. We did it all with a calm, steady pace instilling a confidence to lead others in the practice of yoga. When you sign up for a journey with Stacy & Dave, be ready for highly skilled and empathic leadership, a rigorous curriculum that stretches and connects anatomy, mindfulness, and yoga, and hands-on practice teaching others throughout. What a summer! What growth!
Cindy Watson / TX - 200Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
Dave and Stacy have built an amazing yoga certification program!! I’ve learned SO much these past few months. A huge added bonus was being able to attend in person at your beautiful and peaceful studio in Denton! Learning from you both in person was such an awesome experience for me. Your classes are hands down some of THE best I’ve ever taken!! I can’t wait to share all that you’ve taught me with others in my teaching journey!!
It’s not goodbye…but see you later…because I’m already contemplating the 300-hour training!!
Ashley Melton / TX - 200Hr Hybrid Grad
300Hr Testimonial
Yoga for me is many things. Yoga is empowering. Yoga is grounding. Yoga is comfort. Yoga is self-care. Yoga is my happy place! Stacy’s 500hr YTT has been a way to enhance and expand my knowledge of yoga, meditation, my practice, and the human mind and body. The concepts from this course have changed how I approach my own practice and how I teach my one-on-ones. I am so grateful to Stacy and Dave for being cheerleaders for me throughout this process — in person in Bali and by email and text. This has been an amazing journey that I am proud of and will hold dear to me.
Sarah Giddens / LA - 300Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Yoga Teacher Training Hybrid Grads - Denton, TX 2023
300Hr Testimonial
Completing my 500 hr advanced functional yoga teacher training with Stacy and Dave through the Embodied Posture Method at the Yoga Project School of Yoga was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This program changed my teaching and changed my life. Learning about common dysfunctional movement patterns and how we can rewire our brains to have more awareness of them and move differently has changed my body and posture. It's also informed my teaching in deep, meaningful ways. Learning the nuances of functional breath and movement has helped me to regulate my own nervous system, while helping me to facilitate nervous system regulation for my students as well. Learning concrete tools for teaching presence, mindfulness, and learning more about the impacts of trauma on the body and our mental health has allowed me to embody these things in my teaching and in my life both on and off the mat. When I say this program changed my life for the better, I mean it. I am a better human, mother, partner, teacher, and small business owner because of this program. Thank you Stacy and Dave for providing this incredible experience of learning, un-learning, and growth!
Emily Sustar / WI - 300Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
Completing the 200 hr YTT PROGRAM from The Yoga Project has been such a deep internal process. I have gained a new awareness of what embodiment feels and looks like. This program has awakened the confidence to use my voice to lead others through their embodiment process. Dave and Stacy are great humans. Their pure hearts are shown in how they operate this course and how they approach each of their students. Thank you so much for this new way of being. I am truly grateful!
Jessy Kimbrell / FL - 200Hr Grad
200Hr Testimonial
The 200 hr YTT with Stacy and Dave has been such a valuable experience! Thanks so much for everything. It has given me so much knowledge to grow as a yoga teacher and as a yoga practitioner in general. If I had a question about something or was reading an article about a certain topic, there would probably be an assignment about it down the line in the course! And if there were questions that I had that weren’t explicitly answered in an assignment, there was always a discussion tab to ask questions, or I could email Stacy or Dave. The assignments online through the learning platform allowed me to go at my own pace and complete assignments as I felt confident with them. Both required readings for the course are very valuable in their content. I’ve had a few professors that never really used their assigned books, but I come back to the Yamas and Niyamas and the Embodied Posture books regularly. I loved the modern approach to the course with reverence to the yoga tradition. And how even in our physicality, honoring our unique body and its alignment in yoga posture and practice is such a gift. And the best part of all: I know that this is just the beginning. There is so much more to learn!
Aidan Brock / TX - 200Hr Grad
300Hr Testimonial
I cannot say enough about this program! This journey has been so special and significant for me personally. I am so thankful and grateful that this program is 100% online. It wasn’t easy, by any means, but it was doable and achievable for me because it is self-paced and online. I would recommend this course for other yogis whether they want to deepen their knowledge as a teacher or for their own personal yoga practice. I feel so confident and excited as I continue in my personal yoga journey. I have relearned the concepts of self-love, presence, and self-compassion in addition to so many scientific truths proven by studies in regard to yoga and the many benefits it provides for our mind, body, and soul. These courses are so thorough! Not fixating on one aspect, but MANY aspects of yoga…anatomy, philosophy, psychology, mindfulness, therapeutic/rehabilitation, etc. Dave and Stacy are wonderful teachers and encouragers. They were always available for assistance and support throughout my entire journey. Thank you SO much, Dave and Stacy! This program is truly transformational!
Stephany Cook - 300Hr Grad
200Hr Testimonial
Stacy and Dave have really created something special with their teacher training program. If you’re looking for a science-based program with a balance of biomechanics, mindfulness, ethics, and community, I’d highly recommend the Yoga Project!
Julie Forbes / OR - 200Hr Grad
200Hr Testimonial
The 200-Hour Program has been a surprisingly moving experience for me. This methodology completely changed for the better the way I interact with & view my body. Going into the program I was carrying years of practice that included a lot of frustration and self-judgement. The Embodied Posture Method gave me the insight & permission to find individualized stability in yoga postures without the harsh self-judgment I’d been carrying. Judgment was replaced with loving curiosity— Why does my body feel like it needs adjustment here?? What could be the anatomical need?? The well-researched anatomical foundation on which this program is built is unmatched!
This change of heart toward my body & its function allowed me to finally build a stable foundation on which I’ve been able to cultivate a much more robust & well-rounded practice. This personal insight has proven immediately valuable as an instructor. Spending time developing a personal embodied approach helps clarify the best ways to guide others into an individualized practice. I truly feel like this type of teacher training fills a much-needed gap in the yoga space and is introducing instructors into the world that are equipped to help ease frustration and enhance the love of this practice. I’m excited to have these skills that can help others feel love and gratitude for their body’s individual capabilities!
I’m immensely grateful to Stacy & Dave for the work they’ve done & continue to do.
Whitney Bullard / TX - 200Hr Grad
200Hr Testimonial
I used to practice yoga at The Yoga Project in Arlington and loved the focus on anatomy. For years I’d wanted to explore the teaching side and join one of the teacher trainings in Costa Rica or Bali. During covid, I used my stimulus check to do something for me, and while it wasn’t Bali or Costa Rica and the format was different, it gave me the opportunity to do something I’d always wanted to do. So first of all, thank you Stacy and Dave for thinking outside of the box and making the teacher training accessible during such a difficult time. You are so personal and real and I’ve loved working with you. I love that the focus is not on perfect postures but on functional movement, embodiment, and mindfulness. I will admit at times this was challenging because embodiment and mindfulness does not always come easy to me. This training has been transformative personally and I’m so grateful to be able to carry it forward to others. I have so many people in my life that don’t think they can do yoga because they are “too tall, or too old, or not flexible,” etc. I’ve gained the ability to work with different unique bodies and help them not worry about what it looks like, but what it feels like. Thank you Stacy and Dave for teaching accessible yoga to those who take your course. And thank you for your flexibility and patience. I will be back for more hours, maybe in Bali or Costa Rica. :)
Ambre Ford / TX - 200Hr Grad
300Hr Testimonial
I chose the Yoga Project for my 300-hour teacher training because Dave and Stacy were so kind and encouraging to me as a new teacher. I immediately felt comfortable enough to dive into learning the material without judgment of any questions that came up for me along the way. Even though they are clearly very well educated in the study of the body and yoga, they make the course approachable and relatable no matter where you are in your own practice and/or teaching.
The program offers several types of learning and stays engaging, even through the denser parts of the material. It’s laid out in a way that makes common sense of complex movement patterns. I’m not the best at technology, but I was able to navigate the online portion of the course easily enough. Dave was very patient with any tech questions I had.
One of the most important things I try to incorporate in my own classes and all of my favorite teachers have done, is to instill a sense of agency in my students. Not only did I learn to do that in more effective ways, but Stacy does it so well for her students. I feel more confident and very happy with the choice to go with Yoga Project!
Megan Springer / TX - 300Hr Hybrid Grad
200Hr Testimonial
I am so grateful to Stacey and Dave of TYP for this teacher training experience! I've loved taking classes at their studios for years and am honored to have learned from their Embodied Posture Methodology, meditation and mindfulness focus, and real reflection not only on what yoga means for me as both a student and teacher, but yoga's history, impact, and context in the real world. There was so much rich text, discussion, and class that helped me evolve my practice. The knowledge of the human body and postures that I've gained has already shaped the way I show up on my mat and helps me lead classes that welcome yogis of all experiences and abilities. Thank you so much for the gift of this training!
Lydia Galvan / TX - 200Hr Grad
300Hr Testimonial
I cannot say enough about this program! From start to end, this 300hr program is filled with so much knowledge and hands on experience that helps you truly grow as a teacher and walk away feeling confident to teach what was learned. From anatomy to mindfulness this program has truly changed my teaching and helped me find a passion in bringing functional movement to my classes! It has been the best experience working and learning with Stacy and Dave. They made the program feel easeful to get done at your own pace and they were always available for support throughout the entire time! I cannot recommend this 300hr training enough, it’s a total game changer! Thank you for the start of an exciting new journey!
Brittany P. / RI - 300Hr Grad
300Hr Testimonial
During this 300hr yoga teacher training I learned so much more than I’d ever have imagined. These ten months of studies and training went way beyond changing the way I teach, they have also radically liberated my own movement practice. The way I look at my students, at physical yoga practice, and at mindfulness practice has changed significantly.
I appreciate how every module challenged me in a new way, gave me answers to so many questions I had, and provoked new questions every day. I chose the online format, but I never felt disconnected nor alone. Stacy and Dave have been a tremendous help and were present all the time. Their constructive feedback on the assignments was a big support. Stacy’s anatomical knowledge and movement experience is extensive and has inspired me throughout the courses. Having the time to study in my own rhythm also had the advantage that I could take all the time I needed to be as thorough as I wanted. Most of all, it gave me plenty of time and opportunities to digest all that new input, to try out and find creative ways to weave the new knowledge into my practice of yoga and my practice of teaching yoga in a way that makes sense to me and is beneficial to my students. The feedback of my students is amazing and confirms that I have grown a lot as a teacher.
The training is not easy, it’s definitely challenging, but it’s worth every second of it. I can only recommend to train with Stacy and Dave Dockins, you’ll never regret it.
Fran S. / Luxembourg - 300Hr Grad 2023
200Hr Testimonial
I am so grateful that I was recommended the YP program when looking for a 200hr- it has exceeded all of my hopes and expectations. This course had the perfect balance of anatomy (Stacy's knowledge on this topic is profound), embodied instruction technique, and trauma-informed considerations and communication. I felt that it connected with my work in mental health and yoga instruction seamlessly. I appreciated that we took time to study everything from the roots of yoga and yoga ethics to current adaptations of the practice based on advancements in scientific understanding of individual differences that exist body to body. This program invited us to critically think about and challenge rigid notions that exist in yoga instruction and established the groundwork for teachers to move forward as continuous learners rather than experts. I felt that we perfectly balanced self-inquiry work with the application of principles and techniques for a well-rounded experience.
I have immense appreciation for the quality and depth of this course and am grateful for Stacy, Dave, and all of the YP students for creating a welcoming and intentional space to learn and grow in.
Caitlin J. / RI. - 200Hr Online Grad 2023
200Hr Testimonial
I’m so happy to have completed my 200YTT with Dave & Stacy! I started with their virtual platform and later switched to Costa Rica! The education was just what i was looking for! Finding an anatomically based program was really important to me. I’m so grateful to have such an in-depth education with Dave & Stacy! Between the weekly meetings & blogging, you feel pretty connected to your peers! Their support and commitment to each student are pretty amazing. They are both very kind & loving people who genuinely care about your success. When i went to Costa Rica I was in a boot due to an injury. Blue Skys, Dave, & Stacy made sure I had what I needed & supported me along the way. Costa Rica was beautiful! The facility was great & the food was absolutely delicious! 10/10 recommend! I can’t wait to continue my education with Stacy & Dave! I’m certain they will lead me to be the best teacher I can be! Thank you!
Taylor N. - 200Hr Hybrid Grad 2022
200Hr Testimonial
This experience has been so fulfilling. I've learned so much about myself, as a teacher and otherwise, and I'm grateful for the opportunity. The hybrid (online + in-person) option makes this program accessible to anyone looking to become a yoga teacher. All of the content and classes are so thoughtful, relevant, and organized. The Yoga Project, as a whole, is authentic and honest, and inclusive. Stacy & Dave are wonderful humans, and having them as teachers is invaluable.
Dara P. 200Hr Hybrid Grad 2023
300Hr Testimonial
Dave and Stacy are such gifted teachers, and the care put into the organization and delivery of the content was exceptional. I leave more confident and equipped as a teacher, with a clearer understanding of how we incorporate functionality, movement patterns, and embodiment in the design of our classes. The experience and empowerment I received from the hybrid option (Costa Rica) was a lovely compliment to the program. Dave and Stacy are magnets who draw together those who love the practice and desire to learn the “why”. A great 300 hr. experience!”
Farrah T. 300Hr Grad. 2023
200Hr Testimonial
I cannot say enough positive things about this online 200-hour yoga teacher training experience! I am so thankful for this self-paced program. The journey has been so special and significant for me personally, and professionally. I appreciate my classmate’s vulnerability in their teaching submissions, and the honest feedback given for my own. Dave and Stacy are wonderful teachers and encouragers. I really love the program and I would recommend it to other young yogis whether they want to become a teacher or learn more for their own yoga practice. I feel confident, equipped, and excited as I continue in my personal yoga journey as well as leading others in theirs.
Tiffany H. 200Hr Online Grad 2023
200Hr Testimonial
I just completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Stacy and Dave Dockins, Yoga Project - School of Yoga and I feel grateful for having found this training with Stacy and Dave. I looked for a training with the understanding of the biodiversity among human beings and the importance of fitting the yoga poses to the individual, and I really found it! Stacy has written an amazing book about anatomical embodiment, ‘Embodied Posture: Your Unique Body and Yoga, A Guide for Student and Teacher’. Both Stacy and Dave provide excellent teaching with useful and developing feedback throughout the course. I can highly recommend their teaching.
Kirsten Wej Modvig - Denmark - 200Hr Online Grad 2021
200Hr Testimonial
Taking a teacher training course from Stacy and Dave was something I wanted to do from the first class I took at the Yoga Project. I was thrilled to see an online 200hr YTT course on the website and took my chance! The content of the course is unmatched and very innovative for movement teachers. The breakdown of each module and weekly group meetings help you fully understand the information and ask ALLLL the questions! The amount of support and encouragement I received throughout the process is greatly appreciated. The recorded teachings of the course offer the most learning moments, not only for you as a teacher but also as a student. I would 1000x recommend the Yoga Project for education with anything body/yoga based. I'm very excited to take my 300hr training in the future! Thank y'all!!
Charity M. / TN. - 200Hr Online Grad 2023
300Hr Testimonial
The Advanced Functional 300hr program with Stacy and Dave has completely elevated my teaching. I have been teaching for almost 10 years and I was eager to deepen my knowledge of anatomy and cultivate a stronger sense of presence in my practice and teaching. This program delivered both, providing me with invaluable tools to help my students understand the 'why' behind our movement and to find the connection to their daily lives. I can't recommend this training enough to anyone who is seeking a more embodied practice and to help their students do the same.
Corey T. - 300Hr Online Grad 2023
300Hr Testimonial
The 300-hour online Yoga Teacher Training Course at Yoga Project with Stacy Dockins is LIFE-CHANGING- I learned so much about not only yoga instruction but also general anatomy and how our bodies work. Strategies for managing the aging process and recognizing how we can help our students in functional meaningful ways. My personal practice and the methods I use in instruction are forever enhanced and I am so grateful.
Stacy and Dave tell you they are willing and able to answer your questions and assist in any way they can and I can attest to feeling 100% supported through this whole process.
Considering yoga certification? I can't recommend Stacy enough.
Cathy J. 300Hr Online Grad 2022
200Hr Testimonial
“Admittedly, I was a little skeptical about doing my 200 YTT online, but it worked great, far exceeding my expectations! The weekly check-ins we had were really helpful in creating a community of teachers in training and getting real-time instruction, feedback, and time for Q&A. Stacy and Dave did a great job tag teaming throughout the course. I learned a lot from both of them and it’s very special to be able to experience two different styles of teaching while learning how to be a yoga teacher. Truly appreciate how much anatomy and physiology I learned and the feedback on submitted videos was terrific as well. So glad I was convinced to give this course a try. It fit into my schedule when no other course would and it was fantastic!”
Tara D. / CT - 200Hr Online Grad April 2023
200Hr Review
“I feel like I've completed so much more than just this course; there has been such growth in so many areas of my life, it's unbelievable! I am so thankful for all of my classmates who helped me with the teaching element during the hybrid in-person experiences; this was pivotal, phenomenal, and even fun! Stacy and Dave are not just amazing teachers but incredible people, and I am so honored to have learned from them.
I thoroughly enjoyed the online format-- it was helpful to be able to watch a lecture, do the reading, and then ask questions when we all come together to meet virtually or during the hybrid option in-person meet-ups. I think it was very well-balanced, and the hybrid add-on made it so that I could not put off/hide from actually teaching! I also appreciated the inclusion of the Yamas and Niyamas texts, as well as the historical and philosophical elements that were included in the course. I feel more confident as a teacher of asana, but so much more: philosophy, embodied posture and being curious about what is being experienced in the body in order to direct movement and breath, ethical/moral considerations of creating a nurturing space for practice, etc. I am so proud and grateful to have been a part of this course!”
Alana M. / TX - 200Hr Yoga Teacher Training Hybrid Grad April 2023
200Hr Review
“After years of teaching a variety of movement modalities, I searched for a yoga certification that spoke to my anatomy brain, taught yoga through an inclusive lens, and embodied a strong mindful approach – The Yoga Project IS that certification. Stacy and Dave provide a supportive learning hub, which allows everyone to be their authentic self. They share not only science-backed knowledge but also their lived yoga experiences. The Yoga Project online certification met and surpassed all my expectations. If you're at all hesitant, take the plunge – you'll experience both inner, and outer transformation!”
Becky W., Mindful Movement with Becky / VT - 200Hr Online Grad.
200Hr Review
“Stacy and Dave are absolutely the best! When I first started my YTT Journey I was so nervous that I wasn't going to understand the anatomy side of the study, and that I would fail myself. When I purchased Stacy's Book, Embodied Posture, I opened it up and started reading and the first sentence I read instantly put me into a new mindset, one where I knew I was going to make this work. "Although this book is about your body, yoga, and anatomy, its true message is one of returning home. I want to encourage you to use the practice of yoga to return home within yourself."
I completed the 200Hr Hybrid option. On top of their extremely knowledgeable online content, Embodied Posture Book, and weekly virtual meetings, I had to opportunity to learn in person with Stacy and Dave and I feel so lucky to have gotten that opportunity. It was pure gold! Stacy and Dave were always there to answer any questions I had along the way and gave encouragement when I was struggling. I am looking forward to taking the next step in my YTT studies and will for sure be taking their 300Hr in the near future. Thank you Stacy & Dave!”
Katie F. /TX - 200Hr Costa Rica Hybrid Grad
200Hr Review
“I have so much to say! I enjoyed and learned so much from this course, I can't wait to teach! While I was not sure if an online teacher training class would work, this program went above and beyond my expectations. I loved it all. I appreciated the focus on anatomy, the emphasis on how different everyone's bodies are, and to work within your own body's limitations. This is something I have found missing in a lot of yoga classes. I LOVE your book!! It will be a valuable resource forever. While I was nervous at first about recording the videos, I now see how valuable doing those recordings were. I learned so much hearing my own, sometimes confusing, cues. So now I have told friends and family, that when we practice, I am going to continue to record, just to keep learning. It was also invaluable learning from my classmates. Thanks for your patience and kind words. I hope to meet one day. If you are ever in Arlington and would like a Thai massage, please, please call :)”
Donna R./TX - 200Hr Online Grad 2022
200HR Review
“I was drawn to the Yoga Project’s certification program because of the orthopedic emphasis and overall wellness model. As a clinical massage therapist of over 18 years, I wanted to find a yoga program that would not only enhance the outcome of my clients/students but would also spark a new passion in my own life. Stacy and Dave’s approach has been the ideal balance between science, body, and mind. I learned to reflect about myself along the way, while Stacy and Dave both gave continued feedback and discussion that was sincere, educated, and down to earth. I am looking forward to sharing what I have learned with so many people, and that makes me excited, too! The fact that I could do this course online was absolutely a game-changer as well. As a full-time working mom, I was able to work at my pace. I’m so grateful that I found this course, and look forward to continuing my yoga education with Stacy and Dave.”
Phoebe C./TX - 200HR Online Grad
300Hr Review
"I honestly never intended to study for a 300-hour certification because many of the programs I'd seen available seemed redundant. When I stumbled upon Stacy's book Embodied Posture and began taking virtual classes, I knew that I had to enroll in the advanced training! My 200-hour was rooted in classical yoga and Yoga Project's evidence-based anatomy-focused 300-hour training was the missing piece I craved. My confidence as a teacher has increased tenfold and my students have noticed and felt the changes in their bodies. I'm changed as a person and eternally grateful to Stacy and Dave."
Pam N./WI - 500Hr Online Grad
"My journey with the Yoga Project courses has by far been the hardest I have worked in my time as a yoga teacher, and I have loved every single moment of it. The program really worked for my learning style and I appreciated how interactive it was even being online. What I have learned over the past 10 months has changed my practice, my teaching, and also my life. I am forever grateful I stumbled into the teachings of Stacy and Dave, and I also realize this is just the beginning and there is so much more to learn."
LYN P. 300HR Grad / MA
300Hr Testimonial
“I signed up initially for Movement Patterns & Motor Programs, just hoping to get a little more confidence in teaching yoga from an anatomy perspective. What I got, in the end, was all that and a whole lot more! I went on to complete the whole 300-hour advanced functional yoga course. I now have an understanding of key anatomy, common movement dysfunction, and how to teach yoga that can reprogram functional movement. I also have a much broader appreciation of how the mind-body systems work, and ultimately why teaching embodied yoga is at the heart of everything. The delivery online works brilliantly. For me, the standouts were the interaction with Stacy and other students, as well as the promotion of critical thinking throughout. These are not 'lightweight' yoga courses, they are robust and packed with content and information. The courses are designed in a way that gets you thinking and ensures you absorb the content, plus you have so much support throughout. I've come away not only as a better yoga teacher but with a new confidence about the whole direction I want to take my career in. Thank you, Stacy and Dave!!"
Helen B. - UK - 500Hr Online Grad
300 Hr Design 3.0 Review
“I felt fairly confident as a teacher before this course but I've always felt insecure about my knowledge of anatomy. My 200 was very focused on classical yoga and this training is the missing piece I've been needing. I can feel myself growing as a teacher and a general "coming together" happening.
My practice has also changed so much. I've been practicing with YP nearly every day and the changes in my practice and daily life have been remarkable. Areas of tension/dysfunction are beginning to shift. Movements that used to cause me pain are now virtually pain-free.”
Pam N. 300hr / WI - 2021
300Hr Review
This has been such an incredible journey. I loved all of the material and the books were fantastic. I have learned so much I don’t even know where to begin. I think the best way to truly sum up it all up is that Everything Is Connected. Digging into each concept individually was sometimes difficult and overwhelming at times but in the end, it all came together to make perfect sense. So many profound lightbulb moments. This training really gave me a totally new perspective of the importance of embodiment. I loved reading TBKTS!!! It was therapeutic and allowed me to be vulnerable which allowed deeper relationships to build which I loved. I also learned a ton about the brain and the importance of not only mindfulness but the relationship to feeling the body to connect and truly release anxiety, traumas, and stresses. Somatics SMA was mind-blowing to me. How many people’s lives would be changed??? Not having to live in chronic pain being told it’s just what they have to go through due to aging and not potentially having unnecessary fusions, surgeries, and tons of medications if they only knew about this concept??? Learning about red light reflex helped me to understand how our bodies can develop motor learning issues that are compensating in a different manner and that there are other potential tools such as pandiculation that can be utilized. Anatomy Trains was also really interesting. I loved the videos and was fascinated by the fascia plastic versus elastic stretching. This really helped me understand RI, tensional integrity, and myofascial connectivities. Now I want to go get some bodywork done. Another takeaway was the importance of language being used and how that can trigger the brain to go into judgment mode. The basic psychological needs theory was so important to learn and remember as I engage with my students.
This training allowed me to have an internal shift regarding the type of teacher I want to be. I struggled with my confidence and feel I needed to change to fit the environment I am teaching in. What I have discovered is the type of class I want to teach is more important than being like everyone else. I found the confidence from learning how functionality and embodiment are such proven and powerful tools that I am no longer doubting what I am teaching. Once again, I can’t say it enough how grateful I am for all of the knowledge and life-changing gifts I have received from this.
I would say to someone that was considering the program but finds the content intimidating that it is SO worth the journey and it all comes together in the end. It is all that you make of it. If you can try to absorb as much as you can at each step but also not cause added anxiety, in the end, you will discover so much.
Jamie B. - Texas - 300Hr Online 2021
300Hr Testimonial
Wow, this has been amazing and has changed my yoga journey and my life for the better. I jumped into this course after a quick google search of “functional movement 300 hour yoga training” and can’t believe what I stumbled into. While the work is hard I loved every moment of it. There were a lot of 5 am wake ups for me, trying to get reading in before taking my son to school, and I would find myself going to sleep and excited to wake up and get into whatever that weeks assignments were. I just think that is one of the coolest things, to be that excited about what you're doing and working on.
This was my first step into online learning and I am so surprised at how much it worked for me. I know of other online trainings with lots of zoom sessions you are required to be there for, much of this I think is hours accumulation. I have friends that took these courses and they would just have the zoom on on their phones as they did errands or things around the house. You are present but not accountable for much. I think its the accountability that stood out to me with this course, this style of learning works so much better for me. As I write I am reminded of the three basic psychological needs and the all important “autonomy”. The way the course was put together gave us the space to choose what our interests were and learn from there. An example of this is when in module 2 we did a posture analysis, we picked what we wanted to view through Anatomy Trains. It gave us the space to self-direct but with tremendous support and materials. I think that this really helped me build confidence in what I was learning along the way. In our first meeting I remember Becka saying that “anatomy is my love language” and I thought I might be in the wrong place (it definitely is not mine), but I get it now! I think it used to feel so out of reach for me and intimidating. The way the course put things together step by step made it vey accessible and built the desire to want to keep learning and asking questions.
One of my biggest take-aways from this course is that I think with effort I could delve into and learn about anything I want to. More important than that is it has really instilled the desire to keep at it, in all sorts of areas.
Years ago I babysat for a family with 10 children. The parents were going away and I was taking care of all these kids for a few days. Before they left I remember sitting with the mom sorting laundry, lots of laundry. She was incredibly organized and was teaching me her methods. She told me this story about how people were always asking her how she does it, how does she take care of all these kids. Her response was always that she didn’t all the sudden have ten kids, it was just one kid at a time and she figured out how to make things work along the way.
The story always stuck with me. I have thought of that so many times over the years and think it an important lesson about not letting our brain go too far ahead of where we are at. I have a feeling if I had seen what I just finished for our final project before starting the class I would have been overwhelmed and intimidated. After going through it in the stages as we did turns out I could have kept going and going and going. I never thought I would have so much to say about forward head posture but a I do.
Thank you Stacy and Dave for what must have been and still is a tremendous amount of work. I have learned so much from this course, met amazing people, and enjoyed every second of it.
Lyn P. - Illinois - 300Hr Online Training
300Hr Testimonial
This was the first module I took for my 300hr training with Stacy and Dave. There is so much good information in this course, and I started implementing some of the things I learned immediately into my classes. My students are a huge fan of the core integration sequence too! It's been a huge expander for me to take a deeper dive into functional movement from a dysfunctional pattern approach. I see so many things differently with my students now and am helping them to see it for themselves as well. I would recommend this course to everyone, both teachers and avid students. Understanding the body as a system on this level is so important for a long and healthy practice and I'm excited to learn more. Thanks Stacy & Dave!
Addison G. - 2021 - Movement Patterns & Motor Learning
300Hr Review
This has been one of the most rewarding and influential courses I have taken. It has met and exceeded every expectation I had when I signed up a year ago hoping to learn how to teach functional yoga classes. Everything that I have learned has changed the way I teach, the way I understand others, and the way I see myself, in only positive ways. I have grown more confident in myself, in what I know, and in being able to help others. It has inspired me to keep learning and growing as a lifelong process.
I loved the first two courses and learned so much about the body and bringing functionality to yoga. This course has given me a greater understanding of the amazing connection between the brain and the entire body. The greatest takeaway for me has been learning how any person can benefit from an embodied yoga class.
Stacy and Dave are talented educators. Throughout the courses I have admired how the organization of the information progresses and fosters a deeper understanding. The lessons build upon one another and continually connect back to each other. Some of the topics were challenging for me. Being able to read, reflect and comment on others’ posts always helped me to better understand the topic and Stacy always gently reminded us of the importance of having compassion for ourselves. Stacy and Dave have been supportive, helpful and compassionate. I’m grateful for them and this experience. I am going to miss learning alongside this group of people. I only wish that one day we can all meet up in person!
Jennifer G. - Pennsylvania - 300Hr Online 2021
200Hr Testimonial
Complete!! This took me awhile and I was afraid I ran out of time to complete the coursework, but I’m officially done! I’m so grateful that YP offered an online course that was go-at-your-own-pace. Life happens sometimes, and it was so nice to pick teacher training back up when things calmed down. This course was very eye-opening, and I feel I have grown so much as a yogi and as a teacher. I like that y’all taught us to think about the why’s of yoga, like rethinking common cues in yoga or the anatomy behind it all. Thank you to Dave & Stacy for always being there to provide feedback and knowledge and to my former classmates especially Bethany, who offered to film with me, even when she had long completed her certification!
Holly C. - FW, TX - 200Hr Online 2021
I have learned a lot along the way and have had a wonderful experience growing my knowledge of anatomy, yoga, and living a better life in general. I appreciate all of the time and energy y'all put into the material and while I hope to take something with yall in person someday, I am glad that online was an option for this time in my life. I have wanted to take teacher training for quite some time but the time it required away from my kids always deterred me so this was perfect.
I appreciate all of the feedback from you, Stacy, and Dave, as well as my peers. You were able to point me in the right direction. And I know I still have a lot to learn and improve on but I feel like I have grown substantially over the last 6 months. Thank y'all again for everything!
Kim H. - TX - 200Hr Online 2021
When I enrolled in the 200YT training, I was looking for yoga teacher training that taught not only the “how,” but also the “why.” Stacy and Dave have designed a well-organized, rigorous, and comprehensive course that goes broad and deep, and they are there to support you the whole time. The course is a good mix of content that covers anatomy, yogic principles, meditation, asanas, and practice. The recorded assignments were well-constructed and built on one another so I never felt overwhelmed. Practice teaching was necessary and working with friends and family who were at various levels provided a natural and perfect opportunity for growing as a teacher. Because of this experience, I feel confident as a teacher and inspired to continue learning.
Margy P. - Las Vegas, NV - 200Hr Online 2021
200Hr Testimonial
Wow. What an incredible experience this has been. Dave and Stacy- I cannot thank you enough for what you bring to the world of yoga and yoga instruction. The holistic, comprehensive, and broad spectrum of coverage within this course is simply unmatched. The tools I now carry with me have made me feel confident and euipped as an instructor. Thank you for not just focusing on poses or breath, but on the wide spectrum of life that yoga touches. This was nothing short of an enlightening and beautiful experience I will always treasure! I absolutely loved the zoom calls and our discussions. The past couple of months have been a whirlwind, but teaching at my local studio and sharing what I have learned here have been little eyes in the storm. I just wish you two the absolute BEST and cannot wait to see what all is in store for the Yoga Project. So much love!
Chloe K. - Texas - 200Hr 2021
200Hr Testimonial
What a great experience this has been! I have learned so much in these last months. When I started this process, I didn't think that I actually wanted to teach; I only wanted to learn. Now, I'm glad to say that I can't wait to get in a studio with a class full of students! And my desire to learn has only grown!
Many thanks to all my classmates who watched and practiced to my videos and gave honest and constructive feedback! I have grown so much from your knowledge. Congrats to those who have finished and keep going to those who are almost there!
Thank you, Stacy and Dave, for the time you put in to building this course and mentoring us throughout. I can't imagine any better or more knowledgable teachers. I was a little bitty baby yogi when I started at YP and you both made me fall in love with yoga. I will always miss being in a studio with y'all but truly wish you complete happiness in your adventures!
Nicole D. - Texas - 200Hr 2021
I loved this experience. The conditions of everything weren't the best with the pandemic and everything going on and yet I still felt really connected to everyone in my group but also to Stacy and Dave who genuinely cared and kept up with everything. You both deserve a huge round of applause for pulling this off so well. I learned a lot from peoples feedback, point of views, and their practice in Yoga. As stressful as the past couple months have been with me and I'm sorry I slacked on my getting things done on time and orderly I appreciate the genuine care that you guys have had for me and encouraging me to keep going. I appreciate the opportunity to learn from Stacy and Dave and also from everyone in the program. I look forward to the day we are allowed to travel again and to continue my education in person. I am excited to share my knowledge and experience with people around me whether through classes, mediation practice, or guidance. A huge part of my sanity was practicing yoga through videos of other members. Though I know I slacked on assignments I was constantly using the practice of everything that I learned to help me get through tough times. I am forever grateful and thank you very much
Michael A. - Texas - 200Hr Online 2020
200Hr Testimonial
Wow...I’m really excited, grateful, and proud to be writing this currently. Thank you so much Stacy and Dave for what you have taught me and done for me. I came to yoga project I think about two years ago to do the scholarship program for part one of 200 hr training. Prior to this I was supposed to get my certification out of the country with a different program but because of my chronic illness wasn’t able to. What I got out of that program was WAY more than I had bargained for. I had the most educational, spiritual, and just warm experience during this program. Everything felt right for the first time in a while. I could not wait to return for part two. This experience was obviously very different considering it was online. But was just as beneficial and honestly helped my sanity these last couple months. There was definitely times where I beat myself up and gave myself anxiety for not meeting my own standards of how quick I was working through it...but that alone was a lesson to me in the end. The feeling of having something to work on that I knew I cared about. The mandatory heart and critical thinking check ins with the yamas book and journaling helped me tremendously over the last months and I don’t know how likely I would have been to do something like that it not in this program. I love what I do. I love teaching. Stacy and Dave, you have given me so much confidence through knowledge. To my peers, thank you so much for your constructive feedback, kind words and support! I wish you all so well on your teaching journey and your journey with your own practice. I can’t WAIT to join you guys again in a training...I pray yoga can be a anchor for us all <3
Samantha B. - Washington - 200Hr Online 2020
There was no better time than now to pursue my dream of becoming a yoga teacher. I took the leap as a way to remember my importance and value through a third round of fertility treatments. Even with the most fantastic supports, sometimes life is...HARD! I am beyond grateful to have both dreams come true; an active baby on the way and a yogi certification! And my toddler mastered downdog on command so I am over the moon! COVID has taken a lot away from us right now, but what it has provided is the opportunity to virtually train under some of the most profound and innovative yoga experts today, @stacydockins and @davedockins of @theyogaprojectstudios. Thank you so much!
BRIGIT N - TEXAS - 200Hr Online 2020
"In 2014, I moved to Texas after living in California my whole life. I felt very much alone and could not find my normal outlets easily as I did back home. I stumbled upon The Yoga Project in Mansfield and felt right at home, a place that would be my home away from home about 4x a week, until circumstances lead me to return back to California a year later. The Yoga Project always kept a warm place in my heart. When I learned that COVID took their teacher training online, I jumped to the opportunity to return back to this space (virtually).
I had been very picky with the training I wanted to take and knew that training with the Yoga Project was going to give me the knowledge that I wanted to pass on to my students. Training with Stacy and Dave has been such a great experience, they are both so knowledgeable and encouraging. This training was not easy, a real growth experience for me, and I felt so supported by both my trainers, and fellow trainees. Stacy and Dave will give you an experience unlike others, giving you full anatomy knowledge, while supporting and guiding you along the way. Thanks again Yoga Project, happy to be part of the family."
DENISE A. - CALIFORNIA - 200Hr Online 2020
200Hr Testimonial
I am so thankful for The Yoga Project 200Hr Teacher Training experience and for Dave and Stacy’s leadership and guidance throughout. This has been such a growth period for me with everything going on and I feel like this learning helped me to focus my intentions and give me hope. Having been a member of Yoga Project for over 8 years, I feel privileged to go through this teacher training from Dave and Stacy and feel like my training has extended for far longer than just these few months. All I have learned from them over the past eight years, I know I can utilize to bring the joy and peace of yoga to others. Both Dave and Stacy were always quick to respond and give meaningful feedback, I was able to practice my teaching techniques with those I love, and the modules were incredibly rich with necessary materials like mindfulness exercises, readings from Embodied Posture, and Yamas and Niyamas. This training has certainly equipped me for my future personal practice as well as guiding others through their yoga journeys.
MACI H. - TEXAS - 200Hr Online 2020
200Hr Testimonial
The Yoga Project Yoga Teacher Training is truly transformational. The academic rigor paired with the lessons, group chats, and practical teaching applications is just the right balance of challenging and fun. I got so much out of this program including new knowledge, experience, and friends from around the country. The virtual nature of the class does not inhibit the experience at all. The diversity of the students and flexibility of the remote program really lended themselves to an amazing learning experience. I highly recommend this program!
BETHANY Z. - WISCONSIN - 200Hr Online 2021
200Hr Testimonial
It was such a joy to be a part of this teaching program. I truly enjoyed learning more about myself, others, mindfulness and the practice in its entirety. I feel so much gratitude for being able to learn from Stacy and Dave and take this course with so many talented individuals. Thank you Stacy and Dave for your time, energy and support and to everyone else thank you for the feedback, your instruction and sharing your view on the practice and world with me.
MCKENZIE A. - CALIFORNIA - 200Hr Online 2021
200Hr Testimonial
As I reflect back to the beginning of this experience, I think of the immense growth I have made. I have become confident that I can teach a one-hour yoga class. I have learned much about the process of mediation and have begun to feel that mediation is not only just “thinking about nothing”, but also that medication can be used to change one’s response to adverse events such as those related to COVID impact. I have learned the science behind poses and sequences. Embodied Posture was an excellent book resource for this class, and I believe for any yoga studio. I have learned about mindful awareness and how it is interconnected between the yogi and his/her yoga practice. Although the main focus of this class was to learn to teach yoga to others, I have learned much about myself and my personal life journey. Because of this practice, I have become more patience and tolerant such as with my practice yogis, online learning, and myself. I thoroughly enjoyed Yamas and Niyamas. The philosophies learned here were the perfect complement to the yoga poses and sequences themselves. For me personally, I felt a readiness and yearning for knowing, understanding and applying these restraints and observances. There is still much to understand and explore here (and I look forward to this), but I have felt what I have learned thus far has been helpful to tie up loose ends in my life. In all, I am grateful not so much for the yoga certification I’ll be getting after 6 months, but rather, I am even more grateful by what I became by this special class. I became a better person inwardly and outwardly.
Thank you, Stacy and Dave, for your conveying your expertise in a meaningful and effective manner. I enjoyed all the required activities and appreciated the flexibility allowed with the 6-month timeline. I felt your genuine presence in the online zoom meetings and felt that you both did an excellent job making sure all were heard and all concerns/questions were addressed. I want to also acknowledge all of my amazing peer yogi classmates for making me think about their individual perspectives and helping me realize and appreciate many different ways to teach yoga. I would like to give special recognition and thanks to Joanna who gave me a boost of inspiration to continue forward with practicing yoga teaching. I am fortunate that the universe allowed us to cross paths. Lastly, I am especially grateful to my supportive wife for always offering willingly to be a practicing yogi and for growing alongside me on and off the mat.
Manny F. - Minnesota - Online 200Hr 2020
Thank you so much for helping me enrich my yoga journey. I am so grateful for your patient and thorough teaching style. It truely felt like you had all the time in the world for us as students.
Getting my YTT has been something I have wanted to do for so long, however, body confidence issues mixed with varying outside opinions, had held me back from pursuing my teacher training. Once I was able to push those hurdles asides, I found a new focus and strength. I am so excited to see where my teaching journey will take me next! One thing is for sure, I am 100% open to whatever comes my way. Thank you so much for giving me a yoga home, it has been such a blessing.
Sarah P. - Texas - 200Hr Online 2020
I did my 200 hour yoga teacher training with Stacy and Dave Dockins in Bali in January 2018, not knowing what I was letting myself into as I had never met either of them before. It was a step into the unknown, but I knew I had to do it. Although I am a seasoned traveler, it was pretty scary going to the other side of the World to immerse myself in an intense 3 week training not knowing another soul. Immediately I met Stacy and Dave I knew that this was going to be an amazing and fulfilling experience. Third day in I was wondering what in the world I had been thinking - 58 years old and believing that this was something I could do...crazy girl! Little did I know, but everyone was feeling exactly the same thing...even the babies in their 20's!! Two days later and I was right there, knowing I was EXACTLY where I was supposed to be. Stacy and Dave are the most amazing teachers in yoga, anatomy, life skills, self esteem, self belief, love... and SO much more. They changed my life. I am a better person today thanks to them and their support and belief in me AND everyone whose life they touch. If you have the opportunity to experience Stacy and Dave Dockins, don't think twice...take a your teacher training with them - you won't have any regrets. Thank you, you dynamic duo for being who you are and doing what you very well!
Carol G. / Wisconsin - 200Hr 2018
The Yoga Teacher Training program with Dave and Stacy Dockins at Yoga Project School of Yoga was incredible. It went above and beyond my wildest expectations of what yoga teacher training could and would be. Dave and Stacy’s approach to yoga is unlike any other I have encountered. Their approach truly embraces every individual’s unique experience on their mats and taught us, as teachers, how to cultivate awareness of those unique needs within our bodies and other student’s. The training program opened my mind to new and valuable information and perspectives, from anatomy and physiology to yoga philosophy and mindfulness. In the process of the training, my personal practice and life ‘off the mat’ were also transformed. I highly recommend anything Dave and Stacy ever offer - from teacher trainings, workshops or even classes. They are excellent educators whose passion for what they do is contagious to those they teach.
Peyton G. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2018
Yoga Project School of Yoga not only teaches compassionate and intuitive teaching models, but emphasizes the importance of anatomical differences in every body. The program allowed me to learn more about myself and discover who I am as a yoga teacher. The owners/instructors are definitely experts in their field and just lovely human beings. I look forward to utilizing the tools they provided me to share my passion of yoga.
Angela H. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2019
I am a long time fan of the Yoga Project studios! I just completed my 200 hour teacher training with them and it was a dream come true! I really appreciate the focus on anatomy and biodiversity, we learned so many ways to actually help individuals and to use our critical thinking skills rather than just reading off a script of alignment cues. You can come here and trust the process because they definitely know how to bring out the best in every one. I met lots of fun people, learned new things about myself and feel super ready to start teaching! They really give you the tools you need and they do so with love. This is a great, supportive environment where every student was able to thrive!
Devon A. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2018
Extremely knowledgeable. Stacey and Dave Dockins create a very welcoming yet challenging environment. Their knowledge of yoga, anatomy and the manner in which present themselves are topnotch. Highly recommend their school. They have taken my teaching to an all new level. My understanding of the body and how it works allows me to keep my students safe while creating a powerful vinyasa.
Carmen M. / New Jersey - 500Hr RYT 2019
200Hr Testimonial
In September I traveled to Thailand with Yoga Project to begin an amazing transformative yoga journey! I completed the 200 hour yoga teacher training and am hopeful to attend more of YP’s courses in the future. Yoga Project - School of Yoga is notably remarkable because of Dave and Stacy Dockins’ love for yoga, their dedication to teaching, and their passion for connectivity. They offer a high-quality program focusing on anatomy, physiology, and meditation with repeated exposure to key concepts and ample opportunities for growth. Because Dave and Stacy have years of experience studying, practicing, and teaching thousands of students, they understand how individuals learn best and they use that knowledge to guide their trainings. Their classes are intimate and offer personalized instruction and supportive feedback. They are truly dedicated to their practice and their style completely resonated with me, both as a practitioner and future instructor.
I would highly recommend training with Dave and Stacy internationally. I was beyond impressed with the resort facilities, the food and general location. The format of the training was challenging yet inspiring! This journey allowed me to fully immerse myself into the program and the experience as a whole. There was time to debrief, complete assignments, practice teaching, and explore all aspects of yoga while enduring the beauty and culture of another part of the world with an amazing group of people, all hoping to accomplish similar goals. It was powerful and life-changing.
Leah O. / Wisconsin - 200Hr Certified Thailand 2017
Wouldn't have been more happy with any other place. They were absoluetly amazing teachers, had made enough time for everything and never once felt rushed with all 200 hours. Very inviting and extremely kind, it's going to very sad having to go to another studio for classes or teaching after being introduced to this studio.
Jocelyn O. / Rhode Island - 200Hr RYT 2018
A life-changing experience. I highly recommend the teacher training program at the Yoga Project School of Yoga for anyone interested in expanding their practice. Just a wonderful program!
Ed C. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2019
Yoga Project is without a doubt the best choice for me when it came to my training and certification. Stacy and Dave Dockins are incredibly knowledgeable, dedicated, fair and well-rounded instructors. I couldn't imagine anyone else who I'd rather learn from. The course curriculum far surpassed my expectations, and their offerings abroad are immersive priceless experiences. I feel confident in my training, and thrilled with my new teaching skill and knowledge in meditation, mindfulness, postures, breathing, anatomy/physiology and beyond. I cannot praise Yoga Project or Stacy & Dave enough.
Hailey C. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2018
Stacy and Dave are AMAZING, so knowledgeable and compassionate about teaching. I learned so much through this training and would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering the Yoga Project.
Melissa S. / Louisiana - 200Hr RYT 2018
Initially, I was reluctant to sign up for an 11 day training on 500Hr module anatomy and assisting. Having a master's degree in Physical therapy, I did not think it would be worth the investment to review things that I already knew. I went with my gut and my desire to learn more about how yoga works and went anyway. Thank goodness I did!
Stacy presented the material in such a way that made it all seem new to me. It finally connected the dots for me between my anatomy background and what I am seeing in my classes and how to teach to that. It took my mind from the clinic and the need to "fix" someone's alignment, to seeing how each body is different and how to teach each individual awareness of their own bodies in a more generalized way.
It was also so much more...It was an amazing 11 days of connection, of learning and growing from an amazing group of teachers. I learned more about myself, my perspective, and what I have to offer my students. I grew as a teacher, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, all from the guidance of Dave and Stacy and their vision of Yoga Project - School of Yoga. It was a perfect fit for me and I look forward to finishing my 500 hours with them next year!
Melissa B. / Alabama - 500Hr Module 2016
The three weeks I spent in Thailand doing the YP 200-hr. RYT were amazing! I can't even begin to find words to describe how empowered I felt not only to teach yoga, but also to embrace my life with all that it brings. I have heard that many people who get certified come out of their training totally intimidated by the process and end up never even teaching. Stacy and Dave had us teaching bits and pieces from the first day, building our skills, knowledge, and confidence as we went along. When I got home, I couldn't wait to share what I had learned through teaching. Every aspect of their training far exceeded my expectations. They are the best of the best, and I hope to continue my studies with them in pursuit of a 500-hr. certification. If you are even remotely considering teacher training, please contact them.
Marie G. / Texas - 200Hr Certified Thailand 2017
Just finished YP's training and Stacy and Dave Dockins do an amazing job and far exceeded my expectations for teacher training! They do a wonderful giving trainees relevant teaching experience, very much give the skills to teach to the breathe, and provide a fruitful learning environment! Beyond learning to teach, the training was a life changing experience that challenged me physically and mentally that allowed me to grow in ways I never imagined! Thank You Yoga Project!!!
Ben M. / Ohio - 200Hr Certified Ohio 2017
Where could one begin to describe the boundless good energy within Stacy and Dave...
I met these guys across the globe for one of their international 200hr teacher trainings, and I will never be the same. Life made it clear I needed to meet these Free Life People...... despite my feelings of "not being yogi enough, not good enough" and it was the most earthy strong experience one could ever have. Stacy Dockins is a strong glowing woman who speaks Truth, Life and Love into all she does. She is backed up brilliantly by the joyful Dave Dockins who brings peace and calm to the heart. With sprinkling of science....a reverence for the ancient and a power for now.... they allowed yoga to be so real, so personal and so powerful on every challenging turn.
They have a gift into finding the yoga of today the now stuff...the cutting edge. Quite exciting. So....Stacy and Dave gave yoga to me. They said I could have it. Nurture it and own it..., by way of accepting this powerful gift I can share it with my community in the Hunter valley of Australia. These guys are bundles of energy joy and realness...and I feel to say true friends. The number one thing I learned was to nurture the gift of REAL pure me...and then allow that to connect with others and share. Thank you so much Dave and Stacey for just being you.....
Caroline K. / Australia - 200Hr Certified Thailand 2017
I had the absolute BEST experience with The Yoga Project. My life will never be the same, and I am so glad I chose this school to complete my training. Thanks Stacy and Dave!
Gabrielle K. / Texas - 200Hr RYT 2018
I just finished my 200 hour training and loved every minute of it! I loved how Stacy and Dave had us teach day one, thus day by day gaining the confidence to speak in public. Not only did I learn how to teach a yoga class effectively but the study of mindfulness has changed the way I live my life. They have a unique talent for teaching and bringing out the best in every student! I am so happy I met them and I'm sure I will continue my additional education through them. Stacy offers free awesome podcast that inspire me every time I listen! I am very thankful!
Patty K. / Ohio - 200Hr Certified Ohio 2017
Yoga Project teacher trainings inspire and bring out the best in all teachers. I love that each 300hr module offers a balance of relevant practice teaching and in-depth discussions and interactions with all of the teachers in the training. Because of Stacy and Dave's genuine love of teaching and helping others you can't help but grow in your own teaching and in life! I am grateful for all that I have learned and I would recommend these trainings.
Julie H. / Wisconsin - 500Hr Certified 2017
I completed my 200 hours with Yoga Project this past Saturday. This was the most rewarding experience of my life! It was so eye opening to learn more about alignments, meditation, and myself. Also, the people I met will be my friends forever. If you are considering becoming a yoga teacher, I would highly recommend Yoga Project.
Tony Y. / Ohio - 200Hr Certified Ohio 2017
I've learned so much through my trainings with Stacy Dockins. I thought I had an understanding of what yoga was but it didn't really become clear to me until I started learning from Stacy. I'm so grateful for the accessible, simple way that the material is taught. Now that I understand breath and mindfulness so much more, I can easily share it with others to help them learn. I've completed my 500 hour training with them and would highly recommend it to others.
Jen W., Pennsylvania - 500Hr Certified 2017
I attended the Yoga Project training in Thailand and I have to say when people ask me how my trip was and if Thailand was amazing the answer is always yes, but the best part wasn't Thailand or the beautiful resort we were at it was Stacy & Dave's teaching during this training. I went in with questions about whether I was ready to become a yoga instructor and they led in their teaching and brought out in me passions and confidence and strength that was there all along, but had been forgotten about. I was always so rejuvenated after our almost 10 hr long days in training. Woke up excited for the next day and excited to teach again. I feel confident to teach a class and even more confident in my ability to connect with students in a meaningful way. Stacy & Dave's lights shine so brightly and their School truly brings out and makes space the lights in their students to shine as well. Namaste all around! If you have ever even considered teacher training or are going back for your 500 hr I would highly recommend attending Yoga Project - School of Yoga.
Noelle F. / Texas - 200Hr Certified Thailand 2017
Yoga Project is the school I have been looking for. The integrity, knowledge and overall programming is world-class. You will learn so much and at the same time you will feel supported and encouraged to develop the best way to teach and live for you. Anyone that finds themselves at one of their trainings has hit the jackpot.
Jennifer G. / Alabama 500Hr Certified 2017
The training at YP was more than I could have asked for. Stacy is amazing with her depth of knowledge about anatomy, yoga and teaching. I walked away feeling more confident in my ability as a teacher to support my students. The entire experience from the food to the people and all the yoga in between was nourishing for my soul. Thank you Stacy and Dave!
Lisa T. / New Jersey - 500Hr Certified 2016
I cannot possibly find all the right words to correctly express how amazing the "Joy of Connection" weekend training was. I recommend YP School of Yoga to anyone who is a current teacher, an aspiring teacher, or someone who is working on personal discovery and development.
Joyce A. / Ohio - 200Hr Certified 2016